Added sm_restrict_knife_t and sm_restrict_knife_ct
Added check for weapon aliases
Improved method of checking buy/rebuy/autobuy (no longer removes and refunds)
Now doesnt remove the restricted weapon on pickup instead will not allow pickup
Change how sm_restrict and sm_unrestrict @all worked (now restricts knife aswell!)
Requires CS:S Weapon tools include for compiling (In the zip)
No longer uses gamedata
Added Forwards
Changed how restrict sound is set (now set via cvar sm_restricted_sound)
Added per player support for all weapons
Changed how per player worked (now has a default value and the last key found is set for the rest)
Added server command sm_perplayer_debug to help debug per player issues.
Added sm_allow_awp_pickup to block awp pickup even when allow restricted pickup is set to 1 (will block only if it will go above awp limit prevents the buy and drop and buy exploit on awps)
Added sm_perplayer_bots and sm_perplayer_specs to count bots/specs in per player counts
No longer requires downloading of sound file.
Adds support ammo cvars for grenades.
Fixed bug with classnames not being all lowercase.
Fixed invalid id error
Fixed Special rounds lasting 2 rounds rather than 1.
Fixed bug with unrestrict command when passing a team.
Fixed a bug when checking perplayer weapons.
Fixed bug setting special rounds for after warmup.