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RankMe (Version 2.8.0 - 21 Apr 12)
  25.04.2012, 21:53

--- Introduction:
This plugin has been made because the features that I needed wasn't availiable in the others that doesn't use MySQL databases.

--- Features:
= Rank your players by STEAM:ID or by NAME or by IP Address.
= Use SQLite or MySQL for the Database.
= Kills and Death Statistic.
= Accuracy Statistic.
= Weapon Statistic.
= Rank by Points System or by KDR (Kill:death ratio).
= Hitbox Statistic.
= Connected Time.
= Bomb and Hostage Statistic.
= VIP (as_ maps) statistic.
= Statistics changed on current map.
= Translation.
= Auto-Purge.
= SQLite database.
= Full customization with CVars.
= Set minimal kills for entering the rank.
= Set multiplier for losing points.
= Possible to not showing the points changes on chat.
= Top for each weapon.
= Natives.
= Mani Admin Plugin Import.
== Just run the sm_rankme_import_mani command. Doesn't matter if MAP is loaded or not.
= Possible to use with web interface since it has an export system.
== The database is exported to cstrike folder as rank.sql (needed for SQLite).
== For web interface, may require a web server with PHP and MySQL.

--- Point System (Default, changeable with cvars):
= Every player start with 1000 points.
= For each kill is given 2 points plus 1 point for each 100 points difference between the killer and the killed.
= For each death is taken the same amount that is given to the killer.
= For HeadShot kill is given 1 point.
= Killing with Knife doubles the points given and taken.
= For Planting the C4, is given 2 points for each terrorist plus 2 points for the one who planted.
= For Exploding the C4, is given 2 points for each terrorist plus 2 points for the one who planted.
= For Defusing the C4, is given 2 points for each counter-terrorist plus 2 points for the one who defused.
= For Rescuing the Hostage, is given 2 points for each counter-terrorist plus 2 points for the one who rescued.
= For being the MVP, is given 2 points for the player.
= For VIP Escaping, is given 2 points for each counter-terrorist plus 2 points for the one who escaped.
= For Killing the VIP, is given 2 points for each terrorist plus 2 points for the one who killed.

--- Commands:
= Normal Commands:
== sm_rankme
== sm_session
== sm_statsme
== sm_hitboxme
== sm_weaponme
== sm_rank
== sm_next
== sm_top
== sm_top x (x equals number) (also topx on chat)
== sm_topknife
== sm_topknife x (x equals number)
== sm_topnade
== sm_topnade x (x equals number)
== sm_tophs
== sm_tophs x (x equals number) (also tophsx on chat)
== sm_topacc
== sm_topacc x (x equals number) (also topaccx on chat)
== sm_toptime
== sm_toptime x (x equals number) (also toptimex on chat)
== sm_topweapon
== sm_topweapon x (x equals weapon name. Eg: glock,usp)
== sm_topweapon x z (x equals weapon name. Eg: glock,usp. z equals number)
== sm_resetmyrank

= Admin Commands
== Root flag:
=== sm_resetrank "STEAM:ID/Name/IP Address" (don't forget the quotes, the info inside the quotes depends on your rank mode)
=== sm_rankpurge X (x equals number of days of inactivity)
=== sm_resetrank_all
=== sm_rankme_import_mani (import rank data from Mani Admin Plugin)
=== sm_rankme_remove_duplicate (remove duplicated rows)

== Generic Flag:
=== sm_statsme2 <name / #position on top / steam> ->
==== Examples:
===== sm_statsme2 "STEAM_0:0:12345678"
===== sm_statsme2 "lok1"
===== sm_statsme2 #1 -> get the stats from the top1

--- ConVars:
= rankme_version -> RankMe Version

You can found these CVars on cfg/sourcemod/rankme.cfg. (The file is auto-generated in the first run).

= rankme_enabled -> Is RankMe enabled? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 1.
= rankme_rank_by -> Rank players by? 0 = STEAM:ID 1 = Name 2 = IP. Default 0.
= rankme_rankbots -> Rank bots? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
= rankme_show_bots_on_rank -> Show bots on rank/top/etc? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
= rankme_changes_chat -> Show points changes on chat? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 1.
= rankme_ffa -> Free-For-All (FFA) mode? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
= rankme_rank_mode -> Rank by what? 1 = by points 2 = by KDR. Default 1.
= rankme_mysql -> Using MySQL? 1 = true 0 = false (SQLite). Default 0.
= rankme_sql_table -> The name of the table that will be used. (Max: 100). Default "rankme".
= rankme_dump_db -> Dump the Database to SQL file? (required to be 1 if using the web interface and SQLite, case MySQL, it won't be dumped) 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
= rankme_autopurge -> Auto-Purge inactive players? X = Days 0 = Off. Default 0.
= rankme_points_bomb_defused_team -> How many points CTs got for defusing the C4? Default 2.
= rankme_points_bomb_defused_player -> How many points the CT who defused got additional? Default 2.
= rankme_points_bomb_planted_team -> How many points TRs got for planting the C4? Default 2.
= rankme_points_bomb_planted_player -> How many points the TR who planted got additional? Default 2.
= rankme_points_bomb_exploded_team -> How many points TRs got for exploding the C4? Default 2.
= rankme_points_bomb_exploded_player -> How many points the TR who planted got additional? Default 2.
= rankme_points_hostage_rescued_team -> How many points CTs got for rescuing the hostage? Default 2.
= rankme_points_hostage_rescued_player -> How many points the CT who rescued got additional? Default 2.
= rankme_points_hs -> How many additional points a player got for a HeadShot? Default 1.
= rankme_points_kill_ct -> How many points a CT got for killing? Default 2.
= rankme_points_kill_tr -> How many points a TR got for killing? Default 2.
= rankme_points_kill_bonus_ct -> How many points a CT got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? Default 1.
= rankme_points_kill_bonus_tr -> How many points a TR got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? Default 1.
= rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_ct -> How many points of diffrence is needed for a CT to got the bonus? Default 100.
= rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_tr -> How many points of diffrence is needed for a TR to got the bonus? Default 100.
= rankme_points_ct_round_win -> How many points an alive CT got for winning the round? Default 0.
= rankme_points_tr_round_win -> How many points an alive TR got for winning the round? Default 0.
= rankme_points_knife_multiplier -> Multiplier of points by knife. Default 2.
= rankme_points_start -> Starting points. Default 1000.
= rankme_minimal_kills -> Minimal kills for entering the rank. Default 0.
= rankme_minimumplayers -> Minimum players to start giving points. Default 2.
= rankme_show_rank_all -> When rank command is used, show for all the rank of the player? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
= rankme_resetownrank -> Allow player to reset his own rank? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
= rankme_vip_enabled -> Show AS_ maps statiscs (VIP mod) on statsme and session? 1=true 0=false. Default 0.
= rankme_points_vip_escaped_team -> How many points CTs got helping the VIP to escaping? Default 2.
= rankme_points_vip_escaped_player -> How many points the VIP got for escaping? Default 2.
= rankme_points_vip_killed_team -> How many points TRs got for killing the VIP? Default 2.
= rankme_points_vip_killed_player -> How many points the TR who killed the VIP got additional? Default 2.
= rankme_percent_points_lose -> Multiplier of losing points. (WARNING: MAKE SURE TO INPUT IT AS FLOAT) 1.0 equals lose same amount as won by the killer, 0.0 equals no lose. Default 1.
= rankme_points_lose_round_ceil -> If the points is f1oat, round it to next the highest or lowest? 1 = highest 0 = lowest. Default 1.
= rankme_points_lose_tk -> How many points a player lose for Team Killing? Default 0.
= rankme_points_lose_suicide -> How many points a player lose for Suiciding? Default 0.
= rankme_chat_triggers -> Enable (non-command) chat triggers. (e.g: rank, statsme, top) Recommended to be set to 0 when running with EventScripts for avoiding double responses. 1 = true 0 = false. Default 1.
= rankme_points_mvp_ct -> How many points a CT got for being the MVP? Default 1.
= rankme_points_mvp_tr -> How many points a TR got for being the MVP? Default 1.

--- Translations:
= English.
= Brazilian Portuguese.
= French. Big thanks to Messiah93 and Zirconium and MarechalSummers. (Missing MVP translation and the Bomb Pickup and Drop translations)
= German. Big thanks to Dr. Greg House and Lord_Rofl. (outdated)
= Polish. Big thanks to SilvErr and sajmon83. (Missing the Bomb Pickup and Drop translations)
= Russian. Big thanks to ShufflexDD and Lord Canistra. (Missing MVP translation and the Bomb Pickup and Drop translations))
= Netherlands. Big thanks to Monkeys. (outdated)
= Spanish. Big thanks to Franc1sco. (outdated)
= Lithuanian. Big thanks to hleV. (outdated)
= Korean. Big thanks to Blowst.
= Norwegian. Big thanks to hasjduden. (outdated)
V.2.8.0 (04/21/12):
 => Fix:
 = Fixed using client 0. (thanks relicek and krispx)
 = Removed support for tag {teamcolor} as if you enable it, you lose the {lightgreen} tag. (thanks relicek and krispx)
Категория: Моды\ Sourcemod | Добавил: zanoza73
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