============================ VERSION: 1.5.0f r85 DATE: 10/19/11 ============================ C++ side: * Fixes for the latest update.
SPE lets you signature scan for a function and call it. This means you can call ANY function that you can grab a signature for. The windows version is completely working (at least, according to the first few beta testers). The linux build is also complete, meaning this should theoretically work for all EP1 games. Please test, and post responses!
On a final note, this plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license meaning it is open source. Hence, my SVN is here.
It's still a WIP, but I hope that people will be willing to test something this incredible (at least IMHO).
Whew, with that out of the way, these are the requirements for this plugin:
Eventscripts v2.0.0.248+
A gameserver running ANY source engine game.
The responsibility to use the plugin wisely. It's incredibly powerful.
And without further ado, here you go! If you have any questions or comments, send me a PM over the forums and I will reply. If you have any contributions to our simple library, don't hesitate to send a PM
People I'd like to thank::
Monday..because I can.
Scott "DamagedSoul" Ehlert for the mmap symbol finding technique.
The guys over at dyncall.org for their awesome libraries.
Einlanzers for testing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE in SPE.
Mattie and predcrab: For listening to my problems and grumblings about random crashes
LDuke for teaching me how to sigscan in the first place.
XE_Manup for helping me write the library in a more "pythonic" fasion.
tnbporsche911 for giving me valuable debug information!
Everyone who helped test this (even though there is more testing to be done!).